Top Articles for 2021
With 2021 coming to a close, we wanted to gather a list of the most popular articles from our website. This year's list focused almost exclusively on financial planning topics. We have enjoyed coming up with great ideas and are thrilled so many people read our articles each year.
Here are the top articles from 2021!
No one ever wants to be the person to buy at the peak of the market. We went back and looked at what your returns would be if you happened to buy at the highest point each year over the past 20 years. If you are that unlucky, you might suspect that your returns would have been awful but you might be surprised how your investments would have held up.
What If You Were The Unluckiest Investor Ever?
If mismanaged, margins loans can be a financial weapon of personal wealth destruction. We dug into who should use them and what situations you should use them.
Margin Loans: How It Works and Is It Right for You?
Most publicly traded companies allow employees to buy company stock at a discount through Employee Stock Purchase Plans. We provide all the things you need to know about ESPP programs.
A Guide to Your Employee Stock Purchase Plan
The most common question we got in 2021 was what our clients should do with their excess cash, and we provide a framework to tackle this topic.
What Should You Do with Excess Cash?
It's probably no surprise that the number one cause of stress for any marriage is money. To prevent unneeded financial strain, you and your partner must focus on practical ways to manage your family finances. Luckily, we've outlined five simple money habits that can lead couples towards a harmonious financial partnership.
5 Financial Habits of Happy Couples
One of the trickiest biases to navigate when it comes to managing your finances is known as complexity bias, or the human tendency to "give undue credence to complex concepts." In other words, we're more attracted to complicated products and solutions…even when the more straightforward approach would serve us better. We walk you through why keeping things simple is a better way forward.
The Power of Simplicity: Why Your Finances Shouldn't Be Complicated
Andrew Comstock, CFA
Principal - Wealth Advisor